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Best World Teachers' Day Quotes 2014

Finally, the teachers day is going to arrive. World Teachers's Day is celebrated on 5th October. It's is organised UNESCO. While in India happy teachers day is being celebrated on 5th September in the memory of second prime minister Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.

happy teachers day quotes wallpapers
Happy Teachers Day Quote Wallpaper !

"A Call For Teachers" - A very popular slogan for world teachers day. Since, teachers play an integral role in the development of nation, this slogan tends to call quality educations for all the citizens.

Here are some of the best 20 World Teachers' Day Quotes that you can send to your teachers to pay them a tribute for their showering best education over you.

Best World Teachers' Day Quotes 2014

The average teachers showers complexity while a blessed teachers showers simplicity. Happy World Teachers' Day 2014 !

If you think your teacher is rude.. Wait until you get a boss. Then you'll love your teacher. 

The average teacher is who that gets most out of the leassons but a gifter teacher is who is learner. Happy Teachers Day 2014! 

A teacher should not teach complexity... He should shower simplicity

There are two kind of teachers :- One that teaches you the formulas and the other which teaches you how to live and reach the skies. 

Teachers should be honoured other than the parents as only teachers are who that gave them life and taught the art of living!

I am indebted to my father for my living, but more to my teacher for living well !

Good teachers are those who teaches from the heart..Not from the books.

A good teacher is like a candle who melts itself to brighten the paths of others. 

An average teacher always focus on delivering formulas... But a good teacher showers discipline. 

One day with a good teacher is far better than thousand days of Diligent Study!

Teaching is the profession that teaches all other professions!

An average teacher focus on creating the student's image as same as his.. But a good teachers lets his students to create their image themselves. 

Every Child is shaped by the mind of the teacher. Happy Teachers Day 2014!

The seeds planted by the teachers grow forever. 

A teacher acts to be more than a teacher... A friend.. A Guide.. An inspiration.. for helping me finding the talent in myself. 

Without a teacher.. The world would be having NO CLASS. 

I am no more in your classroom.. But still I am your student. Happy Teachers Day 2014 :)

Teacher acts as a backbone of what we are today. 

A good teacher will inspire you, motivate you while an average teachers will make you learn the formulas. 

So, these were some of the best Teachers Day Quotes 2014. The sacrices made by our teachers were not so easy... So.. Let us pay a little tribute to them by sharing these ultimate Happy Teachers Day Quotes over our social networks. :)


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